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Monday, April 30, 2007


They threw out the test!! Yay!! All my friends will be graduating with me... This is such a relief. I was so afraid for them. My enthusiasm for graduation had really gone down the tubes and I was even thinking of not going to our pinning ceremony. Some people are irritated that they threw it out because they said that their hard work was for nothing. I am just relieved... plain relieved..

I hope the ugliness dies down for the next two weeks.. THIS IS MY LAST FULL WEEK OF CLASSES!!! OMG OMG...

ok... deep breaths...


Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ava and Kayla's BIRTHDAY~~

Yesterday was Ava's actual birthday. We went to the park and she got to slide about 500 thousand times. It was fun!! I bombed off of Kayla's razor and scraped myself all up. Not to mention looked really funny :D.

This year (while kayla still doesn't care) we did a combined birthday party at my dad's house. It was really fun. Dad, Bec, chels and Don + Quinn were there. Kayla got just what she wanted minus Heelies... but she didn't complain too much. She got squishy toys and a new razor scooter.

Ava got a baby bongo drum set and a bucket/shovel set. She also got a toy cell phone so she would leave mine alone HAHAHA. She didn't really care about much of it until we got to the cake/cupcakes. She LOVED her strawberry cupcake. I knew she wouldn't have any problems eating it because she is kind of a food hound but this was funny. She grabbed that sucker up and stuffed it frosting side up right into her mouth. GO AVA. I made Kayla the bunny cake with confetii cake mix and frosting. It came out beautifully except that the vibration from the car on the way to dad's house shook all the frosting off. It was in a big pile next to the bunny. HEHEHE. Chelsie put it back on with a spatula and nobody ever noticed.

After the party, we went bowling. That was fun, we went to the University because they don't smoke there and had to wait a little while for our lane to open. Chelsie and I both played and switched babies when it was our turn. About every three frames we would get our own babies back. I just love that sweet fat ball of a boy she has. He is amazing!!

Hesi... probably the last post on the subject

My actual score on Hesi was 1060. Pretty good predictor that I will pass my boards when the time comes. I am so relieved. There are still people failing, my best friend Carmen failed and is really depressed about it. I should call her but I can't seem to work up the motivation. I feel as if I am not much help since I did pass. There was more crying in the halls on Friday and freak out emails in my inbox.

I wonder what the school is gonnna do. They are calling an emergency meeting for staff and students. It is a cruel thing 2 weeks before graduation.

My bird is screaming and I have a paper to write. I also have all these piddly things to do to keep my daycare assistance but I have low motivaiton today. I feel as if I will never get enough sleep and that I don't want to do anything. I should study on the areas the Hesi identified... or at least do some Nclex questions... but I don't want to.
What I want to do... is drink coffee, eat chocolate and kill my bird.


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Horror of horrors

So.. a lot of people REALLY smart people, are NOT passing this Hussy test. I was in class today and at least 15 people were having a mental breakdown. There were tears and arguments all over the nursing building. It was the most uncomfortable day I have ever had. Even beats my first post-mortem care.

On one hand I am EXTREMELY relieved that I passed this test and don't have to deal with the mess of failing it but on the other hand... I feel very guilty that I am not dealing with the mess and that my friends are scared. Everyone is very scared. Two and a half years are riding on one test. BSU sucks hairy monkey butt. Anyone know of a good (and by good I probably mean cheap) online school that I can get my BS from???

Didn't think so... AH well. It will be awhile coming anyway and maybe my school will have removed their heads from their beefy nursing buttocks.

I feel like the instructors are getting a charge from all this excitement in the halls. We all know nurses are a bit morbid. I even hear the talk in the bathroom stalls and the computer lab. I am a little worried about people. I am thinking of avoiding campus for a few days even though I have a few things I need to take care of... I am NOT one who gets a charge from other people's drama... even though I admit to being nosy at times... I usually regret it when I get the full story.

It's just so weird... the people failing are the last that I would have expected, the smart ones. The ones who did all the readings and the extra Nclex questions. I can't make sense of it and it is a little scary.

2 weeks before graduation... I feel bad.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I passed my predictor test!! I am so relieved. Not that I thought I wouldn't pass... but you know, being kicked out of a program that I have worked my butt off in for two years is a hell of a consequence. For ONE test!!

In other news... my husband is being weird... he likes to send text messages to our phone server. Meaningful ones... they don't go anywhere... but I guess it makes him feel better. He thinks that someone somewhere might read it as it is flying through space... I am glad he has a hobby.

I went to the zoo yesterday instead of studying for the hessie test. I think it must have helped because I scored a 1000 something. The benchmark was set at 875 for passing. YAY!! Ava LOVVVVVEd the zoo. She actually rode in her stroller the whole way. She usually thinks that I should hold her and put her down at the same time and spends a good portion of her life in some sort of halfway point between the two. This was a great day for her. She yelled at the monkeys and laughed at the llama rolling in the dirt. The little bitty monkeys in in the rainforest exibit looked A LOT like her!!

I have some pictures somewhere... I'll post them when i find them. I forgot my camera so they are on my phone. You know... High quality images. HAHA.

My husband is yelling from the kitchen again... JANEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLEEE where is the other jar of sauce????????? So I'm off... at least he is cute in his uniform pants. That makes the rest pretty tolerable!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

random vents

SO... My water heater does TOO leak dear husband. I can hear it dripping as we speak.

And, to the nurse I worked with last week.. It is not supposed to be a sterile procedure... IT is a sterile procedure!!!

And to the lady from my phone interview.. I already told you all that stuff. ON PAPER EVEN.

And to my car: quit making those weird noises when I turn, you are making me nervous.

And to the RN licencing board: It is SOOOO not a two step process... what's up with all the other steps????

And to my friends: NO study groups.. EVER.

The end:


My pug is looking for a place to poo in the house. My phone interview is late, and i haven't showered yet.

I graduate in two weeks!! I can't wait to be a normal person again. I am so tired of missing appointments and explaining to teachers why I can' t make last minute meetings. I want to go camping and fishing and spend more time with my kids. First though, I have to figure out where the 300+++ bucks for my licence is going to come from.

Ava's daycare yesterday asked me if we were going to have her tested for autism. She said that Ava "has all the signs". I think not, but it did add a little anxiety to my life. Kayla, my oldest has aspergers syndrome. It tends to run in families. Either way, I can't really see any"signs" that a very social one year old might display that would make anyone assume autism. She makes eye contact, smiles and even says several words. People are just quick to jump to conclusions I think.

Monday, April 16, 2007

My dog

It is funny even to call her a dog. She doesn't seem like a dog to me. Sort of some part human part pig underwear thief. My husband says she snores and farts louder than she barks. She is usually either wherever I am, chewing like an insane beaver on what ever peice of furniture I am currently residing on, or licking whatever part of my body she can stretch her tongue to reach. She even showers with me... I like my dog.



POO fest 2007

Gross.. My daughter figured out how to undoe her diaper. POOOOOOOOOOO everywhere. I could have lived without this stage of developement for at least twenty more years.
On the upside... my husband.... being the impulsive man that he is.... decided that we could have another child IF and only IF I let him paint the house brown. I had decided green.. and has been a continuing sore spot between us.
I wonder if he will live to regret that statement. We can't have another baby right now anyway, I just like to have all doors open and available to me. I don't like the word no very much.

My kid is happy

OH so happy

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Stethoscope SOCK!!


Today I am avoiding my homework. I am soposed to write a journal about what I am learning. Which is... how NOT to do my job.

Also... tomorrow Kayla goes back to school... this is good news. I think she is a very lucky child. If I hear... mom... what happened to your *insert treasured item here*??? Why does it look like that???" ONE more time, I'm gonna feed her to a bear.

Ava is cute. She calls nephew Quinn "BAAABY???" I think she wants his eye. I told her she couldn't have it. She has one already. She probably wants to bite his head like she does to her Easter toy baby. He isn't sure what to make of her. He hangs onto me a little tighter the closer she gets. I think he is a smart baby. I'm not so sure about that girl either. She is a little wild.

I ate them yesterday. :(

Nuff said!

Ava Rae

I thought that my second post should be about the newest wild girl. She drives me crazy. I went outside today and she was angry... so she threw all of her clothes out the front door. I am still finding socks in the yard. Where does this child of mine get such a nasty temprament. It must be her grandmother. I am amused yet in deep fear of puberty with this one. She is gonna be a challange.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

and now for my first post

My husband made a startling revalation today as he was searching the cupboards noisily for cookies. He said that marshmallow maties have pirate shaped marshmallows. He spent ten minutes telling me about the treasure chests and swords. I am impressed with this show of intellegence.

I am also glad he didn't find the damn cookies

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