So this is my new lifesaver. After 2 close calls with Ava and the busy street we live on I finally broke down and bought a leash. She likes it.. Loves the puppy and the buckles. She likes to put it on in the house and then run like crazy so the cats will chase the leash. She is funny. She has been so naughty lately about the road though I was scared to death. She likes to drop and twist her hand out of mine and then RUN like hell!! She is sometimes like having 3 kids!! She climbs on kitchen counters, up the crib.. is able to open doors and drawers. There is nothing this kid can't climb!! Today she opened up the X-Box, put in a game and proceeded to plug in a controller to play. She was parked in front of the TV hitting buttons trying to make the game come on when I caught her. There is nothing wrong with this kid's intelligence whether or not she is able to talk. I have cleaned the house at least 3 times today.... it still looks like her room exploded in the living room. She likes to roll her toy trains around the kitchen and put her wee-people in the school bus and make it crash into the dog water... The water dumping all over the kitchen is just a bonus. I think we need a kiddie playground just to wear her out. I have yet to connect with the infant/toddler program about her speech though... Those people are about as hard to get ahold of as BSU financial aid!!
Wimmen and Edumucation
4 years ago