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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ruby is fat

OH I almost forgot... Ruby went to the doctor the other day for her eye issue. She has a blocked tear duct and reflux. Both do not require treatment at the moment though. The funny thing though is that she weighs

get ready

9lbs 6oz!!!!

Chubby monkey!! LMAO
Ruby girl is 3 weeks old. I can't believe it. Time is going so fast and so slow at the same time. I am not sure how that is possible but it is happening. I am trying to decide when to go back to work. The thought of it is exciting and horrifying at the same time. I am so nervous about leaving poor hubby alone with FOUR girls.. I know he can do it... but at times I wonder if I could do it. We will have to set some money aside for him to just run away with from time to time. I forsee long rest breaks in his future.

Ava still LOVES Ruby and calls her baby-o. She gets concerned when Ruby cries and today I found her kissing her hands when I returned from getting a washcloth off the counter. She is not to be trusted but I think she really is in love with this little person we brought home. No signs of jealousy yet so I must be doing a pretty good job letting her know that she still has a place in the house... either that or they are just used to me bringing home new people LOL.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Scariest thing ever

There is a little boy on Ava's birth board who had a normal barfing flu that progressed into strokes and possible brain damage...

It really gets to me how in one moment... your entire life could change. I don't think we are ever safe from that possibility once we have children. I feel like a piece of me is forever walking around vulnerable. I am guessing that the feeling doesn't change as they age. I would imagine it gets worse. Someday the PW women and I will be lamenting drivers licence difficulties and boyfriends/girlfriends. It really is a sobering thought. Anything can happen ... at any time.

Andy, get better little man.

NO more bawawle

NO more bottles...

Ava is officially weaned off the bottle now. This is the weird thing... she takes a binky to bed and is perfectly happy with that solution. She has never had a binky in her whole life...

OH well... at least it's better for her teeth LOL. (bad mom... bad)





Ruby's first tub bath

What a happy happy girl she was!!




Ruby would have been born yesterday if she were like all the other kids. Every single one except Ruby was born on the day after the due date. It's amazing to think that I could have still been working up till yesterday. I wonder who convinced her to come early.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Fun in the snow

A couple days after I came home from having Ruby.. we had a HUGE snowfall. I was feeling a little bit of the baby blues so getting outside sounded GREAT. The kids had a blast. Ava was a little scared at first but of course, when it was time to come in... she did so kicking and screaming. She does most things this way. Kayla dug holes and made a snow angel. She also buried her toy frog in the snow and we had to look for it. She didn't quite understand that if you bury something in the snow, it then becomes lost. This concept still somewhat escapes her. She also thinks that the first day of spring will automatically be warm and sunny... as if the world knows that it is the first day of spring on our calendar. Anyway... here are some pictures. :D

You know you're a parent

When you can have a deep conversation over the farting noises your child is making in the back seat. For 30 miles.


Saturday, January 12, 2008

I know I know

That first pic was just a teaser... HAHA.. Here she is. She has JET black hair and dark eyes. Her skin is darker than the other girls although it's hard to tell if she just has jaundice. She is a VERY beautiful baby... doesn't look a thing like the others LOL. Except when she screams.. then she looks like Ava.

Ruby Layne

On New Year's Eve, I went into labor and delivery at the hospital I work at (embarrasing right?) just SURE that my water had broke. I was leaking small amounts of clear fluid when I stood up from a sitting postition or bent over. It was a small amount but I was SURE it was amniotic fluid. I was sent home with the reasurrance that it was not my fluid but that I was urinating. I was also beginning to dilate so it could be cervical fluid *barf*. She also stated that the fluid could be coming from a high leak in the sac.

So I went home... three days later the leak got worse and then I was afraid to go in... I didnt want to be sent home again. I had a gush of fluid at noon.. but no labor started.. only the random braxton hicks I had been feeling all along. My back was quite sore though... Around 3pm I sent Dwain to work telling him that either the fluid was going to stop, or it was going to get progressivly worse and I would go into true labor, either way, I would go get checked out that evening. Around 6pm with my step mom having a fit, I called him home and we headed to the hospital. Once we got there my fears about being sent home intensified even more. I SOOO didn't want to be embarrassed again. I was so tired of being pregnant but also a little nervous about having her early and shortening my maternity leave. It was too late to worry though, by the time we reached the hospital I was already dilated to a 5 and my amniotic fluid was coming out in gushes whenever I laughed or moved. Labor at that point was fairly pain free and I felt better standing than sitting. My doc said that I should get the epidual fairly quickly to avoid it being too late as this baby would probably come quickly.
My epidural was flawless... I was in absolute heavan and spent the next couple hours talking with my nurse and Dwain. At some point the nurse checked me and found that I was dilated to a 6 for several hours and the doc decided it was time to start some pitocin to get things moving. Once the pit was up, I dilated VERY quickly. Don and chelsie came to visit around 11pm and I was already starting to feel pressure from baby's head... the next time she checked me Ruby began to show she was VERY unhappy with her head being squished and I ended up with oxygen and stuck on my right side for the remainder of labor. It went VERY quickly from this point. Another half hour and we were waiting for the doctor. The nurse had me push once just to see how the decent of the head progressed... "is the doctor in the hospital right now??" was all I heard.
Once he got there.. I pushed once and her head was out... I had to stop because she put her hand out too!! Two more quick pushes and she was born. It was hard to get her to cry at first... she just wanted to snuggle up and sleep. She nursed right away though once we got to our postpartum room. I had to stay an extra day because I got an infection that gave me a 102 fever. It was horrible... I was cold and achy and just felt like I had been run over. 24 hours of antibiotics and I was fine though... even if a bit tired from the constant nurse traffic in my room. Ruby got jaundice and lost a bit of weight... she was 6lbs 14oz when we left the hospital. They wanted to keep her another day but I said NONONONONO!! We settled with a visit to the doc within two days for a weight check. I was so happy to be going home... at least my wild bunch sleeps at night LOL.

anyway... here she is
Ruby Layne
1/4/08 12:36 a.m.
7lbs 11oz
21 inches long


Christmas was great this year. It was amazing that with only 200 dollars, three girls could be so happy. I have resolved to take advantage of these years. When a thirty dollar present makes a child so happy that you could have spent a thousand. The big girls got littlest pet shop and some animals to go with it.. they played for 2 hours at the kitchen table together without fighting. Ava got a bouncing zebra... she was after that thing before Dwain had it out of the box. It has become her favorite toy even though Dwain keeps trying to hide it because of the noise. When we went to grandmas, they both got bikes and were very happy. It will be a little while before I am up to taking them riding though... I hope daddy does it sooner. Daine got a bike from us and he has been riding it all over the neighborhood. I am happy he liked it.

Ava fingerpaints

FYI... finger paints are NOT tear free. :(

Pumpkin patch

During the hayride Ava's bottle was knocked off the wagon by an errant backpack. She said "bye bye ba-wa-wule" and rusumed her nasty attitude.

Halloween 07`

Halloween was great, the kids had so much fun. We got our pumpkins from a local pumpkin patch... (horribly expensive) and the kids got to go through a corn maze, feed samonella infested animals and ride on the hayride. It was a lot of smelly fun! It was also very cold this year for trick or treating so we only went for a couple hours. It was fun though. Ava, kayla and olivia carved pumkins together. Kayla did her WHOLE pumkin by herself this year for the first time and it was awesome. Looked like the Nightmare Before Christmas's Jack Skelington... She said it didn't look how she imagined it though and was a little disapointed. Olivia wanted hers to look like a cat and so dad carved it for her... she took FOREVER arranging the bowls for the seeds and pulp and picking out the seeds from her mess of pumkin. It was really quite late when we were finished. Ava didn't quite get the point and filled her pumkin up with everyone else's pulp. She was also very excited to get her hands in dad's big pumpkin. She was tired and cranky by the time we were done so I cleaned her up as best I could and she slept with pumkin in her hair. Dwain spent hours carving his masterpeice and it came out very good... I think he was prouder of his pumkin than the girls were. I love that about him... he really gets into the fun in a way that is difficult for me. I will alway see him running and laughing while playing tag with a huge group of kids Kayla's age. He will spend hours being childish with them and playing in the snow. He carves elaborate pumpkins for halloween and is overjoyed to help them carve theirs.

Been forever eh??

I know, I know... Pregnancy stole my brain and my energy. I have been very naughty about updating this blog.

So, Ava is STILL wild. She is starting to talk a little but still runs the house like a crazy barbarian. She announces that she wants her "ba-wa-wule" to go to bed... which is a nasty habit I should never have started with her. She is a great sleeper as long as she has her bottle, baby and fish mobile turned on. I was trying to wean her to a cup instead but she won the battle for now. I will try again soon... Sleep is a precious thing that you really miss when it's gone!!

Kayla is doing well in school... we have only received a few calls lately :D. It is usually about her "trying to run the show" and telling everyone what she will be doing that differs from the master plan. I like that spark in her, but it really isn't very conducive to the general organization of the world. She will need to be her own boss I'm afraid. She has also mastered the art of derailing mommy: It doesn't' take much these days I'm afraid. She just has to interject several requests along with several questions that have nothing to do with the requests and I'm done... I totally forget what I am doing and wander off mumbling to myself. I think she secretly thinks this is funny.

Olivia is learning to spell her name on a more consistant basis now... I think she likes to mess with me though. The other day she actually brought me a piece of paper with her name spelled BACKWARDS on it. I was very confused for a minute. She didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with the way she had spelled it. I wrote it correctly and handed it back to her and she skipped off singing.

Dwain is currently obsessed with obtaining a memory card for my computer so that he can run a flight simulator game that he got for Christmas. He alternates between dying to play it and deleting it off my computer and selling it... I am about to put it up his nose... But I still love him. He has been great being a stay-at-home dad.. even if he doesn't always do everything MY way. I have to admit to being a bit of a control freak... even though I will deny it later. I guess that is a requirement in my profession.
It must be... :(
Since I have been SOOOOO naughty about updating.... here are some pictures. I haven't even posted Halloween pics yet...
Bad bad me... :(

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