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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Wait... stop the world

I want to just slow down time for awhile and live in this moment. Ava is so cute now. She is still a ball of fire and runs this house like she was born to but there is a difference to her now. She is developing patience and becoming one of the children and not just my precious wild baby. I am excited to watch her grow every day but also a little sad. This toddler time is one of my favorite parts of growing up. They are still so small and dependent yet they put their minds to doing so much for themselves. She is easily frustrated by big people who get in her way and she runs around the house with a purpose now. That purpose is usually destruction of property. She likes to throw all the laundry in the bathtub and take all the books off the shelves repeatedly. She also likes to open the pantry door and run off with an entire box of cereal... trailing it's contents as she runs. The girls and I spend a great deal of time cleaning up after her... but we also spend a great deal of time enjoying her antics. It is a fair trade I think.

1 comment:

Dusky Dawn said...

Wow, that was well written, thanks for sharing.

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