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Monday, June 16, 2008

The name makes sense

Or is beginning to...

We have three wonderful beautiful cats full of personality. Jewel was brought to us by surprise by my husband's father. He wanted us to "keep her for awhile" Of course... she is now our cat and we love her. I got Josie at our local animal shelter to keep Jewel company. They were a perfect pair. Josie has a daring and fun personality that compliments Jewel's reserved side. About a year later I was at pet smart with my mom looking at kitties... This beautiful grey cat was telling me her sad story. I told her that I couldn't have any more cats and that two was quite enough for one household. She said that the shelters were full of plain grey cats like herself with wonderful expressive eyes. I caved and brought her home. The name the shelter had given her was Jasmine which sounds very funny along with Josie and Jewel. It turns out that she has a personality to match my other two cats and is expressive, fun and inquisitive. She steals the kids socks and throws them into the air with wild abandon, pretending she is hunting a wild animal and protecting her beloved family. She sleeps in strange positions all over the house and has been known to run along our ceiling shelves happily surveying her kingdom.

So to finish what I was saying... We decided to take the kids to the park today to ride their new pedal car and get all their wild run off... There was a sad little kitty next to our car when we went to go home. He was thin and had a hoarse little cry. I told him that he needed to go home and that four kitties was WWWWWWWWWAYYYY too much for any house. He said that he didn't have a home and hadn't eaten for days. I will take him to the shelter tomorrow to get the vet care he needs, but he said he really needed a meal and a safe place to sleep for the night. I have wanted to call him Jeffery.

This is bad....

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Lacey Tackett said...

He looks like a Jupiter to me...

Dusky Dawn said...

HA HA HA, Cat Lady!!

All my babies

baby growth baby babies baby