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Thursday, May 24, 2007

New things

I love my husband. He brought home these two little creatures in his hat yesterday for me to feed. I was annoyed at first... (when do i have time for things like this??) but then I saw his sweet hopeful expression. "hun, I couldn't just leave them" Apparanty some seagulls were destroying little sparrow nests and taking the babies... Dwain found these two alive. They are very healthy little things but eat every 2 hours on the dot. I am just glad they are sparrow babies instead of human babies... sparrow babies sleep through the night ;)

Kayla's zoo trip..

So just to be fair. I went to the zoo with Kayla's class.. this was MUCH more of an undertaking then going with Olivia's head start. I was assigned five children (some of the most hyper I might add) We went to the zoo, the park and the nature center. The kids had a blast.. I was a little nervous that this was going to be too much to handle but it turned out to be pretty fun in the end. I was very exausted by the time we were through though and still had my pinning ceremony to go to that night. WOW.. what a long day that was.

Anyway.. here are some pictures of that.


um.. yes I know it happened awhile ago. I did though.. really!!

The ceremony was great. I was very glad that I went, even though I had my doubts. It is really something to be a part of ... over 1700 students walked the line that day and It was amazing to be one of them.

OH.. and this was my graduation gift!! YAY... I love summer and working on the yard... apparantly so does lilly *snort HAHA*

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

One more thing

My husband got a hot tub off craigslist for free. It works and everything. He is unbelievably smug about it. Check this thing out!! It is HUUUUUUUUGE!!

OH yeah.. check out Dwain's smug face!! I think he just may wet himself with pride. :D

The long awaited Zoo pictures

I think i'm going to go again with Kayla... I love the zoo. So much fun!!

As I mentioned before, these were taken on my phone. So they are not the best of quality... also.. my screen is so little I can't always see what the heck I am taking a picture of. Oh well.. next time I'll bring the camera. I LOOOOOOOVE my camera!!

This is it

Tomorrow is my last test. I am officially gonna be free from my school obligations.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Hopefully I will gain some financial freedom too in the process!! Dwain has to work a lot of overtime this month to help with our naughty behind in billsness. We are gonna stay afloat though I think.. With a little help from the Dad man! WOOO. I breathe a sigh of relief.

It is very funny to me that some people are not very appreciated until you reach adulthood. I don't know why that happens. AND then there are others that you appreciate less as you get older. It is strange how a lack of teenage hormones allows you to think more clearly.

I think it is funny also, how the things your kids do that DRIVE you nuts at the time end up being the funniest stories later. Kayla does some of the funniest things and I always wish that I could take a step back from my annoyance and laugh at the time... instead of a year later reminiscing. My main goals in life are to relax, and learn to laugh more often than get angry. By the way, you can click on these pictures to make them bigger... check out the first one.. That is a letter to Santa from Kayla... Crack me up!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Time to get my stuff together~!

So this week coming up is all about getting it together... I am a little confused because usually the getting it together stuff comes on TOP of all my other usual jungle of things to do. I have one final test for school and some odd ends of paperwork to handle.. but mostly I just have to get it all together for the final day. I need to pay my licencing fees to the board of nursing and figure out exactly when this graduation event occurs (people wanna know that kind of stuff) I can't quite figure out yet why everything has a time attached to it. I think "sometime tomorrow" is sufficient. I guess that's not really news though if you know me. I am the one that shows up 20 minutes late and wonders where the heck everyone is... I know that is really annoying though. I am working on it.

I think it is going to be great to graduate... I am on the edge of some excitement... although I am wondering when the real tidal wave is gonna hit... I have kind of wrapped myself up in all the have-to-do type stuff and haven't really taken the time to sit and contemplate the momentous decision I have made. WOW.. I am a nurse now? They just let you do that right after school???? It really is amazing.. I am glad that I get to hold some one's hand for 12 weeks though. That whole work anxiety hasn't hit yet.. I am a definite deal with it as it comes type girl. I don't necessarily think that is a bad thing. I sure seem to have a lot more sanity left than my cohorts in the program. I am grateful for this trait for that reason.

Kayla is a lot different than me... she likes to worry ten years in advance. I think that poor child will have ulcers by the time she is ten. I have tried to rub off on her... but it doesn't seem to stick. I really believe that they are born with their personalities. There doesn't seem to be a lot I can do to influence her either way. Even wearing my coolest shades and playing Bob Marley all day does nothing to her mood. AH well.. I tried. At least some of us are relaxed.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Ava is wild

MAN.. it seems like I am always running after this child. Yesterday she got a pen and drew all over my car bill. She threw all of my laundry into the bathtub. Emptied the toilet paper roll into the toilet... then played with it... rammed her walker into the dog several hundred times and started to throw the dishes out of the diswasher while I was doing them. CRAZY.

She climbs EVERTHING and is always screaming about the new place she is stuck inside.

I caught her stuck in one of those file boxes yesterday with a pen and a bunch of my bills LOL. The sad part is that she is just so busy it is one thing to the next and I can't keep up with her... I am gonna buy her a treadmill!!

All my babies

baby growth baby babies baby