watching a mom see her child for the very first time.
telling parents tiny individual details I have discovered about their child that makes them unique and precious.
Knowing that these tiny details secure me as a safe person to trust with their most treasured person and that even though I take care of babies all the time, this one is special.
watching parents fall in love with their baby and knowing that this little person is amazing
the tears that sting my eyes when I watch a mother learn to breastfeed a child that I admitted intubated only 2 days prior.
When all the doctors leave the room and the parents look at me as if to say, "now what is really going on?"
The feeling that I know what is really going on, and the ability to take time to explain it in a way that they will understand.
Knowing that the amazing people I work with will take care of this baby when I go home, and I can sleep soundly because he is as safe with them as he was with me
That even when the outcome isn't favorable, I have given at least one moment of comfort and human contact on my shift
Really truly caring about the outcome of my work