Kids have a different veiw of things that are nice to say than adults do. The things that they think are a compliment are not always very flattering. It is funny to listen to them trying to figure out the social code.
for example, my mother's day card from Kayla this year says:
If my mom were a flower she would be a lovely flower, she is the most lovelely person.
If my mom were a super hero, she would be batgirl because she has never been on a plane before. If she were a car she would be a race car because her love is fast to catch. If she were a tv show she would be Silly Love because she is silly but I love it.
On the back is a picture of a snake covered in hearts and above that reads "my mom is as lovely as a snake".
hmm... wonder what that means.
Kayla's friend Cass, who I believe has a simaler disabilty as Kayla once told me I was as beautiful as a horse.
Olivia says that "you are beautiful cause you are big"
I told Ava I loved her today.. she says "I love sharks"
You know... I really do feel loved anyway. :)